Our Values make SENSE
Simple is beautiful when it is authentic and efficient. From our product offerings to our business practice, we seek to simplify and streamline focusing on what truly matters. We want it to be easier to DoGood for your body, our communities, and the planet.
Commmerce is generally ruled by the 'Law of the Jungle' but at DoGood we advocate for a business culture of exchange over extraction. Rather than use position or privilege to extract value we’ll find the technology and skills to craft an exchange that adds value on both sides so every participant, from producers to customers, enjoys the fruits of our labor.
We are inspired by Nature’s intensity and innovation and grateful for how it nurtures and challenges us. It's not merely a resource to us but a requirement for an enjoyable and authentic existence, setting the standard for our definition of value as it provides the essential elements that sustain and enrich our lives. we celebrate it with the exquisite flavors, textures, and benefits that nature bestows, bringing them to you in their purest form.
Our definition of a regenerative economy is increasing the environments ability for sustained generation of natural value that can provide opportunities for people to prosper. We advocate for sustainable business practice and the transformation of industries supporting commerce to green technology so business can be as sustainable as nature and enrich the environment to support thriving communities.
In Uganda, we understand the truth behind the phrase 'talent is everywhere, opportunity is not.' That's why we are committed to opening doors for marginalized communities which brings diverse perspectives and strengths to the table. Our partnerships with farming associations extend their reach to international markets, showcasing their exceptional produce and affirming the dignity of their work by collaborating on their terms, fostering a sense of pride in their contributions to the global marketplace.