Another Bend in the Road…
We’re about to turn the corner, come see what’s next with us!
Hello and welcome to the DoGood blog! This will be where we discuss some interesting stuff happening in our communities, industry, and planet or share ideas and causes that move us in the direction of a regenerative economy. We have big dreams for this company, and the name we chose is to help us live up to our goals, a call to action, and a way to keep us accountable.
From where we’re standing, things look promising. But it’s a lot like going down a road you don’t know yet. I think we all know that feeling of expectations, hope, and maybe a little anxiety welling up in your chest as you move closer to the unknown; the turn, the new job, living in a new country, making a new friend… Excitement with a little bit of tension, thinking to yourself ‘I hope this works.’ Well that is exactly where we are with the company now. We’re a few people doing our best to try something new because we believe it’s a way we can make a change that benefits everybody. I hope you get a chance to look around the rest of the website and see what we’re about while you wait for our next post ;D Stay classy and thanks for stopping by.